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The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf - Ambelin Kwaymullina Ambelin Kwaymullina has written a truly unique dystopia; The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf sets itself apart as it embeds itself in The Dreaming but branches out to encompass more than just that – to involve the greater world beyond (our) own immediate surroundings, the environment, and the changes that occur upon the lands as years go by and civilisation continues to expand and expend all its resources. Throw in the indomitable, wise, and mature heroine Ashala Wolf, a slew of contrasting side characters with inhuman abilities and an almost-magical world and you have a book that will keep you intrigued until the final page.The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf will definitely become an advocate in the literacy world for indigenous Australians. It incorporates everything that indigenous Australians are about – living in harmony, tranquility, with respect and being one with the land. Ambelina Kwaymullina has adapted her knowledge and created a compelling dystopian book. In her debut novel she has written about certain aspects, settings and themes that she is passionate about and identifies with, and it is with this that she is able to produce a work that will satisfy any reader, young or old.Although at times I found myself getting distracted and bored during some flashback/memory scenes towards the centre of the book as it dragged for a number of chapters, it was the character of Ashala Wolf that made me continue reading – I wanted to discover more about her, the Tribe, and this society in which they inhabit. Ashala was a capable and competent young woman that went as far as to subject herself to the interrogation in order to protect the younger Illegals and members of the Tribe whom she took under her wing and cared for like family. Both her wisdom and heart are to be strongly admired.Need something different to read, something that’s more than just your average YA dystopian? Then find yourself a copy of The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf and discover your own sanctuary and place to feel safe, your own connection to the land you walk upon, and a debut young adult novel like no other. The Tribe is waiting; they need your support.